Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tayrona National Park - Santa Marta [COLOMBIA]

Tayrona National Park - [COLOMBIA]

The  Tayrona Park lies at the Caribbean coast near Santa Marta in the north of Colombia. This little, delightful spot is located only 34 km from the city of Santa Marta., with beautiful beaches, hammocks to rent for the night.
the coast and the mountain of the park were habited by the famous Tayrona tribe, and  the Koguis, their direct descendants, as well as three other indigenous groups, still live in these areas and they maintain many of their traditions. 
It boasts fascinating wildlife including black howler and titi monkeys, red woodpeckers, iguanas, jaguars, a variety of lizards, tropical marine life, and more than 400 species of birds, such as eagles, condors and the odd pet parrots.
The vegetation is characterized by the ecological influence and the rain depending on the sector, from tropical dry forest to coral reefs.  
Main Places in Tayrona are Cañaveral,  Arrecifes, La Piscina, El Cabo.
it is a  fascinating place to swim and hang out where you can enjoy your stay in hammocks.

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